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GAS [Denim MESH Capri Jeans Pants Zara - 11 colors w/HUD] Demo

GAS [Denim MESH Capri Jeans Pants Zara - 11 colors w/HUD] Demo
GAS [Denim MESH Capri Jeans Pants Zara - 11 colors w/HUD] Demo
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GAS [Denim MESH Capri Jeans Pants Zara - 11 colors w/HUD] Demo

authentic MESH fashion
by GAS Clothing Company

More than 200 possibilities to wear:
11 Denim Colors: black, dark blue, blue, light blue, green, purple, red, hot pink, pink, orange, yellow
2 Belt Options:Black Leather + Studded Leather
11 Buckle Options: GAS, 2013, Sexy, Love, Angel, Devil, Bi_tch, Miss, Sl_ave, Fu_ck ,"blank"
Texture Changer HUD
100% Rigged MESH
HQ Denim Textures
5 Standard Sizes: XXS/XS/S/M/L

All Items copy/no transfer/no mod - unless notes otherwise! - so i cant take it back and pay refund.

Please try a demo before buying if avail. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.

Standard Sizing: You can get Standard sizing shapes for FREE in my mainstore ingame. Please join my group.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • 11 Denim Colors: black, dark blue, blue, light blue, green, purple, red, hot pin
  • 2 Belt Options:Black Leather + Studded Leather
  • 11 Buckle Options
  • Texture Changer HUD
  • 100% Rigged MESH

L$ 0

GAS Clothing Company
販売元: GASCC2013


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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