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.:GBH:. Halloween AM dancing girl バージョン 1.0

.:GBH:. Halloween AM dancing girl
.:GBH:. Halloween AM dancing girl
0 レビュー

The animesh companion halloween dancing girl is 44 li 7 prims

Add on the animesh companion dancing girl or put it on your land.

The girl has a dj retime animation and a welcome mat sript, you can put it into your club too.

Touch the girl right click first and you get a cyrcle menu as you edit
an object. Touch left click the "Touch" button on the cyrcle menu and you get the animesh menu.

"Name" button: write a name into the window and submit it. The girl's new name will appear over the girl. If you write nothing into the window, the name will disappear.

"Anim" button: touch the button and choose the animations into the animation hud. If you add in first the girl on put on your land she will walk. This is the idle animation. When you walk with girl she will walk with you when click the "stop" animation button.

I made this girl in Blender/Avastar modeling program.
If you have any question write me a Notecard inworld.
Contact me efore buying the girl, I will help you to use
this animesh.
Come and see around inworld store!

Enjoy the animesh halloween dancer/dj/welcome greeter girl!

.:GBH:. Galapagos Beach House Store owner
modeler, creator

L$ 99



.:GBH:. Galapagos Beach House
.:GBH:. Galapagos Beach House
販売元: Magnolia511


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.


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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 44