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Garden Furniture - Magic Park Bench - Rezzes Wine,Tea,Candles,Patio Burner,Plant - By Luna Bliss

Garden Furniture - Magic Park Bench - Rezzes Wine,Tea,Candles,Patio Burner,Plant - By Luna Bliss
Garden Furniture - Magic Park Bench - Rezzes Wine,Tea,Candles,Patio Burner,Plant - By Luna Bliss
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The Magic Park Bench is a lovely little bench packed with many features.
In addition to 28 animations that manifest via rezzed cushions, it also rezzes a tea table, a wine table, a plant table with a texture changing vase, candles, and a patio burner.

You can interact further with each of the rezzed items too:
Tea & Wine Tables - click glass or cup to drink (glass or cup disappears) - wear item from inventory to drink)
Ice Cream Table - click ice cream bar to eat (it disappears) - then wear from inventory to animate.
Plant - roses in a texture changing vase
Candles - click to turn on/off with an 'off' sizzling sound
Patio Burner - sound & Flame controls & texture changing

LOW LAG POSE SYSTEM - The Magic Park Bench utilizes an animation system that is low-lag (it rezzes cushions containing all the poses and the cushions disappear if nobody is using them). This enables you to leave the garden bench sitting out without using a lot of script resources - the pose machine is tucked into the cushion inside the bench itself and does not consume resources when the bench is not being used.

The bench has pose positions already in place, but if any pose isn't just right for your height it's easily fixed. Typing "/1a" in chat will bring up a menu so you click buttons to adjust your pose - choosing X,Y,Z will cause you to move from side to side, front to back, up and down, or rotate.
The new setting will be saved permanently.

Live In Beauty ! Luna Bliss

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Couples Animations
  • Furniture With Poses
  • Cuddles Poses
  • Interactive Furniture
  • Garden Accessories

L$ 599



Luna Bliss
Luna Bliss


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