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* Greek Orthodox Church * Full functional + Courtyard
A traditional way to build this Church and Belfry similar to real life Greek.If you are planning to baptize your baby or make your own wedding, and since it is an important mystery and your great family moments, if you are looking for a church with specific specifications (eg having a spacious courtyard for admission), it is the ideal church. Your after-wedding photos will come out dreamy!
-Size: 60 x 60 ( 3600 sqm or bigger)
-Size only Church 29.8 χ 23.8 ( 709 sqm or bigger)
-Size only Belfry - Clock 5.9 χ 5.865 ( 34.60 sqm or bigger)
-Prims Church : 180
-Prims Belfry : 46
-Prims Courtyard : 150
-Prims Furniture : 269
-Prims TOT : 645
Perms: modify (ΝΟ) copy (YES) transfer (NO)
Perms Script: modify (ΝΟ) copy (YES) transfer (NO)
Greek Island Church and furnitures
The church is constituted by two parts: The mainly temple and the Holy or Saint Step.The Holy Step is separated with the chancel screen from the mainly temple, while right and Left are the space of chanters - lecterns (reading stand in a church).
Central point the Holy Step it is Altar, I bend from that is turned the importance of all temple
In the space of mainly temple exist also the seats.
In the splint are found the candelabra with the candles.
The church brings 4 hemispheres vaulted. The cupola brings in succession windows and hagiography with Christ of Pantocrator. The cupola in the top has cross
The walls bring Byzantine hagiographies.
The Belfry church it has bell with sound & Swing touch start touch stop.
The decoration is made according to the Greek orthodox ritual !
All the furniture and the iconostasis of the sanctuary of the temple are wood carved.
The data which constitute it :
- Candelabra with singing of psalms by touch
- Hexapeptigo pack set with touch give
- Candle counter give candle and Church's Committee with menu for single - two - three persons
- Despotic throne with menu for Despot
- Two lectern (reading stand in a church) with anims for Chanters
- Altar with Crucified - candelsticks - Tablecloths - Hexapeptigo
- Rug with menu for single pray - for two persons pray and marriage & paster
- On the sacred and the beautiful gate Rug for Priest with menu
- Epitaph with menu for Priest and candlesticks with on - offf by touch
- Iconostasis with Hymn by touch appear in local
- Curtain and doors in Sanctuary sliding
- 40 Chairs with anims
- Iconostasis wood carved
- Two Banner Church
- Pots with flowers
- Chandelier - candles
- Iron pillars and chains separators
- Rugs
It consists of 2 levels. A staircase between 2 flower beds from the lower level leads to the top of the church and the bell tower. Floors - arches with flowers - lamps and plants blend harmoniously with the whole. Great and comfortable space for a reception after the mystery.
- - Traditional way biuilding - orthodox church
- - Belfry ( bell with sound & Swing touch start touch stop)
- - Courtyard with flowers beds grass - flowers - lamps
- - Decoration is made according to the Greek orthodox ritual
I am at a loss for words for this gorgeous grandiose church. It makes me feel so wonderful. It is a 100% replica of a large scale Greek Orthodox Church with breathtaking byzantine paintings covering wall to wall. It is more than obvious that the creator has paid so much attention to detail. The furniture and all the objects that come along with the church, decorating it in a very precise way are not just props. They have animations and the Eikonostasis has hymns if you click on it. Thank you again for surprising us with this unique church !!!
Awesome build detail!!
this lady not only does super great quality work but will also do a custom build as well! so far she is one of the best builders I have run across in a very long time!!!
Most beautiful Orthodox Church
This is probably the very best Greek Orthodox Church in Secondlife, absolutely the best build.