Headline is a creative way to bring humor and discussion into your home or place of business. The box will generate (although nobody need know that) headlines randomly from several source components and then display the result in public chat. The headlines can vary from the profound, to the absurd, to the outright bizarre. The elements used to assemble headlines are based on current or recent events, and in most cases can be related to.
Primarily designed for humor, headline can also help to stimulate discussion on current affairs. Although aimed at verbose humor, many headline combinations are also distilled with more subtle elements. This aids in keeping content fresh and non-repetative. Part of the fun of this gadget is the uncanny way that many of the headlines match up with reality, or reality as it might be perceived by some. The headline generator is accessed by typing !headline in public chat. In total, more than 2,000,000 headline combinations can be generated, covering hundreds of diverse topics.
The database is web-based and is updated with new content to keep up to date with current affairs.
All headlines can be considered PG, but may contain blunt terminology as in real life. Not all headlines will appeal to all humors. Examples of headlines can be found below.
- 2,000,000 headline combinations
- Evolving content
Example headlines:
Headline! 3.0:
Today's headline, from the reputable periodical "A Slice of New Yorker":
Canada Slides Off End of Runway and Slams into Gas Station in Sarah Palin's Worst Ever Air Disaster
Headline! 3.0:
Today's headline, from the reputable periodical "People's Preview":
President Obama Looks Like Idiot After Dropping Large Pepsi On Pope Benedict XVI
Headline! 3.0:
Today's Headline, From The Reputable Periodical "Canada Dialect":
Poll: 21% "Slightly Disagree" With Osama Bin Laden's Plan For World Peace
Headline! 3.0:
Today's Headline, From The Reputable Periodical "Modern Gazzette":
Undercover Military Forces Praised by Japan
Headline! 3.0:
Today's headline, from the reputable periodical "Working Class Problems":
Jay Leno's Jaw Removed from Public Service over Safety Fears
Headline! 3.0:
Today's Headline, From The Reputable Periodical "The Sports News":
Corrupt Politician Discovers Amazing Process for Recycling the Truth
Headline! 3.0:
Today's Headline, From The Reputable Periodical "The Sunday Theory":
Fox News Shares 57% DNA with President Bush, Discover Scientologists
Headline! 3.0:
Today's Headline, From The Reputable Periodical "Canada Story":
Bill Gates May Have a Laxative Effect, Warns Stock Market
Headline! 3.0:
Today's headline, from the reputable periodical "The Springfield Information":
Seinfeld Blasted out of History Books by New Sitcom About Extremist Climatologist
For full product documentation, please see http://www.dimitriolewis.com/products/headline30.txt
Second Life の商品を表示- 2,000,000 headline combination
- Content is updated over time
Its worth it.
Haven't gotten a chance to try this with other people, but the headlines make me giggle:~)