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Holo Lounge TP HUD 2.1

Holo Lounge TP HUD 2.1
Holo Lounge TP HUD 2.1
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The Holo Lunge TP HUD 2.1

The ultimate gadget for every Second Life user! It will make your SL way easier.

Simply 'wear'. Intuitive and easy to use.
Just wear the HUD, touch it, Add different Locations within a SIM, touch again and tp to the Location you saved before.
The HUD rezzes a TP-Board. Sit on it and go ahead ^^
( Works not on Places where you have not the Permission to rezz ).

What can this TP Hud do for you ?

- Saves Locations within a SIM
- Easy touch ( the HUD ) and tp to youre Place within the SIM.

How does it work ?

- wear it. It will attaches as HUD on the Bottom of youre Screen. ( You can also change the Position from the HUD ).

- Touch Youre HUD. You will get a Menue

List, Add, Remove, Back

List: List all youre Saved Points within the SIM you are
Add : You can Add a new Place. The HUD will Save the
Location where youre Ava is standing.
Remove: Deletes a Saved Location.
Back: Back to Main Menü

Easy to moove to a saved Coordinate.
Save different Places for example:
- Skybox in the Sky
- Office
- Ground
- on the Table of youre Neighbour ;o)

It will bring you exactly there where you add the new Location.

Teleport, add location, TP HUD, easy

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L$ 99



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