Idle Animation Detector [My AO Accessory]
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It is a script as a gadget for all My AO users. If you have a lot of animations and edit config notecard a lot, it's possible to produce idle useless animations which are in contents but not written in config notecard and can be cleared. Just drag the script on the My AO into its contents, it will message the number of idle animations and their names.
It will also message total number of animations including duplicates, total number of different animations excluding duplicates in config notecard, and total number of animations in contents.
It's a self-destruct script without need for you to delete.
- Detect idle useless animation in My AO
- Just drag the script on the My AO to detect
- Self-destruct script without need for you to delete
- Counts total number of animations in notecard and inventory
- Counts total number of animations set (including animations set repeatedly)