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Inochi Reef - Channel Marker Buoy B

Inochi Reef - Channel Marker Buoy B
Inochi Reef - Channel Marker Buoy B
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Channel Marker Buoy B

Channel Markers buoys are used to define the navigable channel.

Green should be on the right side (starboard) when you are traveling TOWARD open waters (seaward).

Red should be on your right side (starboard) when traveling FROM open waters (shoreward).

Use the menu to -

Select color (Red or Green)
Change the buoys number
Turn schooling ON/OFF
Select one of six themes for the encrusting sealife

Highly detailed mesh buoy
Sways in the waves, low impact glow light approximates IALA light pattern,

2 versions: both with animated sea foam
One plain and one with encrusted with algae and animated sea life

2 buoys total copy/mod - 4 or 6 LI (with encrustation)

All of our living reef products are designed to use minimal script & prim resources while adding animation and life to your builds

Combine them with our reef fish, crabs, sponges, anemones, corals, sea fans, fish schools etc. to build your underwater scenes

Be sure to visit us inworld for exclusive content available nowhere else,

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Second Life の商品を表示 ビデオを表示 »
  • Highly detailed mesh buoy
  • Channel Markers buoys are used to define the navigable channel
  • Sways in the waves, low impact glow light approximates IALA light pattern
  • 2 versions, one plain and one with encrusted animated sea life
  • Animated sea foam

L$ 150



Inochi : Living Reef - Style - Home Decor - Botanicals
Inochi : Living Reef - Style - Home Decor - Botanicals
販売元: Meeko Davi


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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土地の負荷: 6