KARMAZZ Enzo Hairbase V1 - EVOX
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KARMAZZ Enzo Hairbase V1 - EVOX
- Hair Highlights [15% + 35% + 50%] (exclusive for tintable version only). Check Youtube Video review about it.
- Compatible for any color skin.
- Tintable version included
- All items are Copy // Modify // No transfer
- Result may depend of your Head & Shape
Flickr / Social Media: https://www.flickr.com/photos/196153271@N08/
All items are Copy / Modify / No transfer
No Refunds
Contact inworld if you have any problems or concerns, I will help, do not hesitate to talk to me for some other reason, or if a product has problems. Send me a notecard @SeBzZz
- KARMAZZ Enzo Hairbase V1 - EVOX
- 17 Colors
- 3 Gray/Tintable version
- Hair Highlights included
L$ 310
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