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KEMET - Egyptian war dagger 'Iah' (animated) バージョン 1.0

KEMET - Egyptian war dagger 'Iah' (animated)
KEMET - Egyptian war dagger 'Iah' (animated)
0 レビュー

Kemet - Egyptian war dagger 'Iah'

We wish you nice times in SL and ask you kindly to accept this product from our hands.

1.) Wear all items
2.) Click on the HUD object to draw the dagger.
3.) Hold left mouse button down and use the arrow keys to move and fight.
4.) Click on the HUD again to sheathe the dagger.

Resize your dagger
Inside the sheathed version of the dagger is a ma.ster-sl.ave resizer.
This resizer can resize both versions at the same time.
!!! Therefore it is IMPORTANT for successful resizing to WEAR BOTH versions (drawn & sheated) first !!
After that sheat the dagger via HUD (if necessary) and left click the sheated version on your body.
The resizing menu appears and u can choose your value.
Both versions (drawn & sheathed) are simultaneously enlarged or reduced as you wish.

Iah (god)
(Egyptian: jꜥḥ) is a lunar deity in ancient Egyptian religion. The word jꜥḥ simply means "Moon".
It is also transcribed as Yah, Jah or Aah.

By the New Kingdom (16th century to 11th century BC) he was less prominent than other gods with lunar
connections, Thoth and Khonsu. As a result of the functional connection between them he could be identified
with either of those deities. Iah was sometimes considered an adult form of Khonsu and was increasingly absorbed
by him. He continued to appear in amulets and occasional other representations, similar to Khonsu in appearance,
with the same lunar symbols on his head and occasionally the same tight garments. He differed in usually wearing
a full wig instead of a child's sidelock, and sometimes the Atef topped by another symbol.
As time went on, Iah also became Iah-Djehuty, meaning "god of the new moon".
In this role, he assumed the lunar aspect of Thoth (also known as Djehuty), who was the god of knowledge, writing
and calculation. The segments of the moon were also used as fractional symbols in writing.

Iah was also assimilated with Osiris, god of the dead, perhaps because, in its monthly cycle, the Moon appears to
renew itself.

This dagger is scripted for fun fighting, maybe it will cause "damage" in any combat systems.
Hope you enjoy it.

warm greetings
(fem. King of the Two Lands (Egypt) in Secondlife)

Second Life の商品を表示
  • animated
  • mesh (high LOD)
  • Egyptian weapon
  • war dagger
  • resizable

L$ 299



The flower girl 花売り娘 Speak with blossoms!
The flower girl 花売り娘 Speak with blossoms!
販売元: Fitna Gilderoy


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 7