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KEdayz-Cozy witches house-DEMO

KEdayz-Cozy witches house-DEMO
KEdayz-Cozy witches house-DEMO
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This is a Demo only

Happy October! this is a Cozy witches home DEMO!!! perfect for any Fall setting. looks cool in normal lighting and nighttime settings! and wind lights. Is furnished somewhat. Items are copy and mod! comes with animated fireflies outside in grass! spooky yet quite relaxing setting this home decor can bring!
I hope you enjoy! most of all have fun!

lastly, if you use nighttime modes and settings and wind lights.....the more green it will look inside the house basically. not done on purpose but hey it turned out to be pretty cool anyways! ^_^

  • Demo house and outdoor decor
  • Outdoor decorations,tree,grass, wheelbarrow- 2 outdoor decor pumpkins of choice
  • House with indoor decorations-with and without outdoor pumpkins attached
  • Bookshelf,food shelf,dresser,potions Witches brew, wall shelf with skull decor
  • Upper level has bed with one pose

L$ 0

Kaylo's Emporium
販売元: Metalkat13


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土地の負荷: 63