Katrine skin HN CHANTILLY VELOUR tone
If you are looking for a second life avatar skin that is elegant, sophisticated and versatile, then you should definitely try our new Katrine skin. Katrine is an avatar skin that we designed with care and passion, thinking about the needs and tastes of those who want to give a touch of class to their avatar. Katrine is an avatar skin that fits perfectly on the Genus head, one of the most popular and appreciated in the world of Second Life. Katrine is available in 16 Velor color shades. Each shade of Velor color has its own personality and style.
Attention please : This skin is an HD skin so it is for photographers, bloggers and those who use high graphics, because it has a realistic rendering. It is not a product suitable for those who use low graphics.
Shape compatible with Genus head
brow options (browless included)
1 eyebrows shape
Skin tattoo layer bom tones is compatible with VELOUR tone CHANTILLY
For you who want to be unique and recognizable this skin is for you.
On special offer for a couple of weeks.
Because you are unique
L$ 10
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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