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[Katya Hair] {Bouquet Of Roses} Darling will you........

[Katya Hair] {Bouquet Of Roses} Darling will you........

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If you have any questions or a problem with one of the hairs or other
products that you have purchased from Katya Hair please feel free
to contact us via notecard as Secondlife tends to eat my IMs and it is
frustraiting to not have my PM's go to my email like they use to.

We hope that you find each hair and product that you purchase
from us to be exellent quality and craftmanship or in this case
hehe craftwomansship if that is even a realistic term phrase... Oh
well it is now we just deemed it a word....I'm Katya I can do that

If you'd like to blog our Hair and other merchandise please send
your blogging information to KatyaHair Resident or myself
KatyaAndrews Resident and we will be in touch with you soon!

If you purchase hair the box will likely contain anywhere from two
to three and in some cases maybe four hairs, for this reason of mesh
breasts and mesh bodies as we know not all hair fits every sized avatar.
We also know that secondlife is like a trickster from time to time and
it loves to play with us and attach things incorrectly, oh the joys of that.

If you are ever so kind please leave a review about your purchase,
each review gives us even more support and we appreciate that in
leaps and bounds!

Please if you have an issue don't leave your review until you have
spoken with one of us to give us the chance to resolve the issue
then once we have made you a happy customer then please do
leave your review but please give us a chance to correct, redeliver
or replace the item(s).

Please always read the description of the products as we may
have an event for you to give you more amazing items and gifts.
We love to treat the people who are loyal and love our hairs and
more. Without you we wouldn't have the drive to present to you
the hair and products that we do and love to bring to you. So we
must say thank you for all of your support and love of Katya Hair
and other products!

We offer you wedding invitations in two styles as well as engagements
in two styles as well, for now. I may add more more products later in my
secondlife but for now this is the limit plus I need to learn and see more
in this virtual world to be able to bring you more quality items so that
you will love each purchase from Katya Hair.

On my full permission items you MAY NOT RESELL these items at anytime!
They are to be used for your wedding or engagement or sent via Marketplace
to another resident as a gift to use for their wedding or Engagement. If you
resell any of my items I will DCMA you for selling my items! No exceptions!!
I'd rather not take this action so please follow my instruction and limits on
purchased invitations and engagement announcements.

Mesh rezzing errors and issues are easily solved more often than you realize
so if your meshes are rezzing janky and jagged please make sure to set your
LOD to 1000 or higher, preferably 4000 for the best viewing experience.

Secondlife missplaceing your items on your avatar? Thats an easy
fix too! Hair attach to your Skull and adjust if it's unrigged. Not all
meshes allow you the ability of reposition them, which is why we
give you both mesh and unrigged mesh if we can so you CAN
modify it to fit your body the best however some clothing articles
are not unrigged and due to this we can't control placement of
said items. We list the unrigged items so you know what ones you
CAN move to fit best.

Hair always attaches to your skull and shoes/boots always attach
to your lower left and right leg. Any other position questions
regarding any Katya Hair merchendise just send us a notercard
and we will help you get it sorted.
Please be sure to join our group also so you have the newest information
about our items and group gifts!

Much Love
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Ƙaтץa Aηđяɘωѕ (katyaandrews)