This is a mesh Television for builders, it is 1 Land Impact, the kit comes with the shading, the UV map, the mesh and even a sample texture!
This Television has 2 texture faces, one for the screen, which will fit ANY SL texture or media, and a second for the body
the faces are:
0 = Screen
1 = Body
~~~Kobu Inc. Builder Pack Use License~~~
By purchasing and using this product, you are bound to the agreement below.
You are allowed to:
• Modify and use this product as a part of your own creations and sell them with copy OR transfer permissions.
•Create a texture for this product and sell it as a standalone with copy OR transfer permissions.
You are not allowed to:
•Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
•Distribute this product as it is. Distribute or advertise this product using our name, logo, packaging or packaging textures.
•Distribute or use this product outside of Second Life.*
'Product' is defined as every item that comes with the purchase, including the packaging and it's contents.
'Distribute' is defined as any form of transfer or publishing, be it by print, copy, distribution, disclosure, selling or sharing.
Allowed Permission Combinations:
Modify/Copy/No Transfer
No Modify/Copy/No Transfer
Modify/No Copy/Transfer
No Modify/No Copy/Transfer
Dis-Allowed Permission Combinations:
No Modify/Copy/Transfer
© Copyright 2018, Xiant Hax, Kobu Incorporated. All rights reserved.
ダウンロード手順- Includes Sample Texture
- Includes UV Map