*LBD* DEMO Luxe Lips - 15 Lipsticks with Catwa & Omega Appliers

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What a difference a swipe of lipstick makes to brighten up your day!

Try this out for free! You have the choice of system layers or Omega appliers to suit the many mesh heads that work with the Omega system (make sure you have the appropriate relay for your mesh).

With this 15 lipstick pack you have so much choice - there's something to suit every mood.

Check out the pretty pink for your girly days, or the dark scarlet for an evening look. There's a classic red when you want to emphasise a delicious pout, or a natural tan for everyday brightness. Plus, the full version of these lipsticks (sold separately) are all mod/copy so you can experiment and mix your own colours!

This is the free demo - every skin is designed differently, and while these are opaque lipsticks they may not work over your current skin.

These lipsticks will also look different with your different shapes too - experiment with different looks - check out The LBD full mod/copy avs if you want to try something new. The LBD store also sells basic, unmade-up skins that you can check out - perfect for customising your own look.

Exclusive to the LBD.

Second Life の商品を表示


  • 15 free Tattoo layer lipsticks to try on
  • Tatttoo layer demos are copy/trans
  • Actual lipstick pack is mod/copy (so can be tinted)
  • Appliers copy only
  • Omega appliers in 2 sizes for different meshes


評価平均: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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  • 1 スター:
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2017/05/23 : SeasidePurcell

A few days ago, I purchased a great skin that I absolutely love except for one thing...
The lips' corners are drawn so far out in red, that it's been nearly impossible to cover them without looking like I've just had Botox injections. Well, in steps LBD to end my search. Thank Gawd! The regular lipstick applier does as all the others I have -- leaves the lines exposed in the mouth corners. However, her LARGE lipstick applier does the trick and due to how the tones are shaded, I don't look like some sort of bimbo. Thank you, Peony! I'm standing in your store at this very moment and I'm not only going to purchase this pack, but am going to take a look around, as well. Much L♥ve!

Doesn't work
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/11/30 : Babe Whimsy

It would help if the demo actually worked :(



The Little Black Dress
The Little Black Dress
販売元: Peony Sweetwater


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。


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