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!-[LoveFactory]- Message for you 7 *Box* 1

!-[LoveFactory]- Message for you 7 *Box* 1
!-[LoveFactory]- Message for you 7 *Box* 1
1 レビュー

VISIT OUR STORE INWORLD! to see the demo of this product and many others like it!

Love is a temporary madness.
It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides.
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion.
That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Feed the seed of love with the water of details, and this "Message for you" scroll is the best detail you can give to your lover.

Perfectly sculpted, well proportioned, 4 prims, designed in an antique form, with brown wood holding it ends, guards in it's center a lovely message to share, that will definitely touch your partner's heart.
Ideal as gift for your beloved one, in any occasion, either on a special day that deserves to be blessed with the most beautiful words, or in a random day that just needs to be unique to be added to the memorial dates that you already shared with your other half.

Ideal as decoration, since it's perfect to fit any type of environment and can be placed in any part of your house, office or even bedroom.
Comes wrapped in !-- heart-shaped box.

Additionally, we offer custom names on all our cards, free of charge! We also offer fast service, customization, and dedications on most items in our store. Ask and if it's possible, it will be free!

If you don't find what you're looking for or it isn't the right shape/color/size, send a note to LoveFactory Violet! Custom work is available upon request--if I can, I will make your dream a reality!

When ordering custom names/dedications or inquiring about customer service: IM LoveFactory Violet if I'm online; please send a note if I'm offline to ensure delivery even if my IMs are capped. I will answer within 24 hours, but usually sooner.

All LoveFactory Products!

Visit LoveFactory to see this product and many others like it! All items at the store have demo versions. While you're there, try the daily Midnight Mania, and try your luck at the Lucky Board! But that's not all...

We love our customers! There are weekly gifts for the !--! store group, periodic hunts, and much much more!

All !--! creations are made only to be sold in the !--! Store or as LoveFactory Violet's products on xstreet. In order to protect our work, help us report any abuse from people selling our work in other stores against the Terms of Service of Linden Labs.
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Lovely !
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2011/05/07 : Nicky Jaidov

omg i still can't believe the price of this product. Killing myself inworld trying to find the perfect gift for my love, dying with lag...And i gave up and went back home to see if i could find something online. Had no need to search to much, typed in the name of a product i bought for him a while ago, but couldn't remember the store's name ! And here i am, can't forget the name this time, Her products are amazing. 5 stars for this ! He loved it !


L$ 99



販売元: LoveFactory Violet


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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