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Luminary Dress Symbolic Blue ADD ME (JR Wolf Creations)

Luminary Dress Symbolic Blue ADD ME (JR Wolf Creations)
Luminary Dress Symbolic Blue ADD ME (JR Wolf Creations)
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Cute wrap around dress for Belleza Freya, Ebody Original, Inithium Bimbo, Legacy Original, Maitreya Lara and Tonic Fine mesh bodies

JR Wolf Creations Store Policy

* The store sells a variety of both newer mesh for mesh bodies and older standard sizing mesh

* The vendor adds will indicate if an item of clothing is suitable for your mesh body type.

* If you have a classic non mesh body, the standard mesh sizes (XXS - L) are more than likely to fit you, but please be aware, you will need to use the alpha layer provided and more than likely have to do some adjustment to your shape. I recommend making copies of your shapes for different clothes so you don't have to adjust it every time you change your outfit.

* If you are new to sl and do not understand how to adjust your shape, have a read of these sites:

* If you have any trouble with your purchase, please send me a notecard and I will do my best to help you.

* No refunds will be issued on copy/no trans items unless in the case of a double purchase. If you have made a double purchase, send me a nc outlining this with the purchase information for BOTH purchases and I will get one refunded to you. :)

* Gachas are a game of chance, so if you play my gachas to be fair to all others who have played them, I am unable to swap items or refund them.

Roxy Leifstrom (Roxy Black Wolf)
JR Wolf Creations

  • Belleza Sizes
  • Maitreya Sizes
  • Legacy Sizes
  • Inithuium Sizes
  • EBody and Tonic Sizes

L$ 150



JR Wolf Creations
販売元: Roxy Leifstrom


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
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