MC Garden Console Table Patch Blue RESIZER バージョン MC Garden Console Table Patch Blue RESIZER

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Thank you for your interest and purchase of the MC Garden Console Table Patch Blue RESIZER

MC Garden Console Table Patch Blue RESIZER - LI 25

Decoration for a Spring, Summer or as the owner sees fit. This item makes a perfect addition for any spring / summer garden addition. This is detailed in design and in 3D texture.

The beautiful garden patch is uniquely textured and arranged to give any setting a forest elegant appeal. This is adorned with deep rich colors of blue and purple flowers and leaf ground covering. The console table is garnished with a tea set, pastry, books and candle lamp. This item is set in phantom to allow avatar easy mobility and comes with a resize menu.

RESIZE MENU - To resize simply click on the item itself and the resize menu will appear at the upper right corner of your screen, giving you options for desired sizing. To restore to its original size just click on "RESTORE". Please remember as you increase in size so will your land impact.

This item is only copy and NOT modifiable and NOT transferable.

Mona Corona


  • 3D Texture
  • Resize Menu





MC Home Designs
MC Home Designs
販売元: Mona Corona


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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土地の負荷: 25