MJOLNIR MKIV GEN2 バージョン 0.1b
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The most famous variant of the project MJOLNIR MK-V armor, this armor set pairs perfectly with your favorite undersuit, plugsuit, or body glove to provide maximum protection from the insurrectionists and Covenant.
The armor is materials enabled and features Emissive Masking textures, which allow for glowing lights and cool effects while not using the 'full bright' option.
This pack includes everything in the gray background picture, as well as a few bonus items.
The uniform worn under the armor in the other images is the Blue Falcon Industries Armored Undersuit and Tonktastic 390 boots.
- Unrigged Mesh
- Low Lag Scripting
- Custom Sound Effects
- A Cool Box
- MK VI Helmet and tac pads