MadPea Snowy Swooshers

詳細 設備 コンテンツ 0 レビュー


MadPea's Snowy Swooshers Rezzer is the perfect winter bumper vehicle for use by anyone who is looking for a fun ride around on ice or snow!

There are two rezzers included in this package. One for ground (Linden Water Level) rezzing, and one for use anywhere (General). To use, set a rezzer out where you would like people to be able to rez a tube. Users can then click on the rezzer and for the menu and choose from 7 color options. Once the chosen tube has rezzed, sit on the item and use your arrow keys to move around.

Tapping the up arrow key will accelerate your movement, and tapping the down arrow key will slow your movement and eventually put you in idle and then reverse. (Pg Dn will do the same as the down arrow key.) Use your Pg Up key to jump.

Bumping into things around you (including other riders) will cause you to bounce away from them, so grab a group of folks to run around with and have some fun!

Clicking on the rezzer will bring up a menu allowing you to choose between 7 color options to bop around in.

Each tube rezzed from the rezzer has a land impact of 5. Any tubes rezzed and not sat on will self-delete.

Tube colors include Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Red, and Silver.

Owners will have the option from the menu to choose who has access to use the rezzer (group, owner, or everyone). Default is set to everyone.

There is also a set of decorative, non-scripted tubes to rez if you wish. (3 li each)

Land impacts may increase if the items are resized.

** Please note that resizing this item could cause the rezzed items to not land where they should! **

Land Impact: 12
Copy | Modify | No Transfer

✄ Original mesh created by the MadPea team.

✄ All MadPea products are sold as-is. No change or alteration requests will be accepted at any time. MadPea does not currently take custom orders.

MadPea (c) 2023

Second Life の商品を表示


  • Interactive winter bumper vehicle rezzer!
  • Rezzes rideable snowtubes that bump and bounce when run into something.
  • Snowy particles while in motion!
  • Decorative prop versions of the tubes are included.
  • Original mesh.







この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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  • 再販・プレゼント
  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 12