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"Mano" Birds (bumper)

"Mano" Birds (bumper)
"Mano" Birds (bumper)
4 レビュー


UPDATED: This product is now bento!
NOW facial and fingers anims are bento.
AND it uses internal animations of face and fingers of SL for the SL default avatar too.


let others know they collide with you, with this funny bumper. You will be stunned and see some birds circling arround your head.

When you will attach your item, you won't see it at this moment.
It will only appear (and the animation will play too) when you collide with avatars or Physical Objects.
you can trigger this animation anytime with an included gesture or a chat command : /1bump

Original animated mesh birds, texture, bento animation and sound.


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Have Fun


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Funny till it lasted
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/04/05 : Kumiodori

the sound keeps on looping now, and is stucked being showed and playing the sound.
Would have been happy if there was a back up in the folder, since i received it with only 1 item, that is the bumper itself.
I tried resetting the script, but i couldn't reset it, Resetting the script was greyed out.
Can I get a re-send?

produto maravilhoso e atendimento ao cliente perfeito!!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/10/24 : Luhcahs

comprei pensando que era um typer, não sabia como usar. pedi ajuda ao criador e além de me orientar ele ainda me forneceu um typer novo a minha escolha. esse é uma colisão maravilhosa e muito real, eu simplesmente amei. muito obrigado ao criador!!!


L$ 99



"Mano" Design
"Mano" Design
販売元: nour22


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。


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