Marble Gazebo (Package)

100% mesh, unique and original.
Beautiful marble and stone textures specially created for the gazebo. Tested against different environment settings to achieve the best light effects on the textured building. The pictures are not edited.
Size: 13 x 10 x 11 m (11 LI)
Thanks for viewing. :)
- 100% Mesh
- Original. unique mesh
- Size: 13 x 10 x 11 m
- Original. specially textured in Photoshop
Very nice
Original and high quality feel to it
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Marvelous texture
Trine Epiphany's products shine most in two areas -- texturing and prim count. As a RL artist, Trine brings her talent to her SL work. Her products are elegant, yet won't use up your prims. This gazebo will look great in any garden.