Medieval knight: Saddle without barding red (akk09 horses)
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This saddle is crafted to fit an AKK 09 XL horse. The box contains a version for the Standard and one for the Draft models. Perhaps it can be adapted to be used with other horses (provided they are modifiable) but it will need an advanced editing skill.
It is very easy to attach this saddle to an AKK 09 horse. It uses the new AKK "snap-tack" system to add and remove horse accessories. Drop a copy of this saddle and a copy of your horse then touch the saddle to start the process.
Second Life の商品を表示L$ 300
Francesco Despres
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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