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Medieval watch tower model 3

Medieval watch tower model 3

This watch tower has only 16 prims and was made with high resolution medieval textures.
It has apx 7x 7 m footprint and apx 12 m high, is copy, modify, but no transfer (the script inside is no modify).
The tower's door has security script and you can choose if you want it lock or unlock. There are a few features to this script: lock or unlock, white list (persons who just can open/close the door), authorized persons who can access the door almost like you (have access to menu) and a few more features, all these with chat commands, very easy to set - you will receive instructions in the pack -
It is great for medieval lands, role-play areas, battle sim or just to place it to your home if you like medieval decorations.
Your opinion matters to me, so please give me a review after you buy it!
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Enjoy your Second Life!
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