[Mika] Gift Shirts! バージョン 1.3
Hope you enjoy this demo/gift!
3 Animated Shirts
3 Static Shirts
If the animated shirts are not working properly for you, please try updating your viewer, it is a common issue with outdated viewers.
These shirts are designed to work with the Utilizator Avatar 2.0 & Kemono Mesh Bodies May or may not work with standard linden bodies.
Includes 4 Breast sizes for utilizator's avatar 2.0, and 4 for the kemono, Flat(Hide chest) Classic, Med(V!V Natural Breasts) and Big (Anti-Grav)
All of the attachments are rigged.
The old gift shirts can be found in the mainstore's lucky chair.
If you'd like to recolor or customize your shirt, i recommend purchasing the Custom shirts available at any Mikazuki store or the Marketplace.
Second Life の商品を表示great shirts
I just recently got the avatar 2.0 and these shirts are really nice.
there so cute i love them best friendly/cute shirts id say buy the full one you'll love it
L$ 0
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