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[Mkbcult] Brass Knuckles (Sengoku Basara Ieyasu Tokugawa)

[Mkbcult] Brass Knuckles (Sengoku Basara Ieyasu Tokugawa)

This is one of our creation back in October 2012, Check out more details below before purchasing.

Thank you for Buying MkB Cult Weapons:
[Melee] Brass Knuckles [fist fighter] Ieyasu Tokugawa

1. 32 Animations (4 Set Animations)
-Yoganwari anims [Mixed set anims of 2-3-4]
-Koga Genten Anims
-Tendozuki Anims
-Gangangan Anims
2. Built In AO
3. Hud Control
- Animation sets
*Select from 4 different sets
- Control Toggle
* Choose from the following:
1. LMA - Left Mouse Arrow
2. LMO - Left Mouse Only
3. LMC - Left Mouse Charge
4. 3Lma - 3rd Person Left Mouse Arrow
- Speed Hits on/off
- Draw/Sheath Toggle is also placed in the hud
4. Menu Control [Optional use]
5. ZCS/CCS/GM/Linden Dmg Compatible
6. - Linden Damage Value Selector
*Select Damage value from 10%dmg to 100%dmg
7. High Quality Sculpted Weapon & texture
8. Realistic sound effects & Weapon effect [Weapon effects does not affect you in combat]
-this item has a very low lag script.
Separated-CS pack info: (Separated by Combat System package)

We decided to separate the packages according to combat systems [aka Meter] because we manage to saved tons of memory/count for for users to enjoy combat fights without having lags using our weapons:
Package 1: [Ccs] weapon version package
Package 2: [Gm/ZCS] weapon version package
Package 3: [LLCS Linden Dmg] weapon package

Control Toggle [Control Modes]:
We got a button to toggle Control option
-> Left Mouse and arrow keys & Left Mouse Only & 3rd person Left mouse arrow.
-> Each meter have their particular control mode and whenever you switch into the meter [combat system] you desire, it will automatically use that particular meter usual control. but when you toggle the control button in the menu it will switch alternately to LMA LMO

CCS - 3rdPersonLeftMouseArrow Control [3LMA]
GM - Left Mouse Arrowkeys [LMA] [LMO]
ML - Left Mouse Arrowkeys [LMA] [LMO]
Linden Dmg - Left Mouse Only [LMO] [LMA]

Menu Control For other Options: For Support configuration
Combat System Compatibilities:
Zcs/CCS/GM/Linden Dmg Compatible
-Linden Damage now has a percentage of damage & you can select from 10% to 100% damage per hit
-Simply follow this steps using the menu opener:
*Menu/C-Systems/ lindendmg/ [choose damage %]
Gm Damage info:
fist weapon
0.6 sec
180 degree

MkB CuLt is not responsible for the marketplace's delay or fail of delivery, so kindly don't give us a negative comments/review on our products if in case you experience it; However, you can visit our main shop and get the product you just bought in the redeliver terminal.

We are grateful to you for buying this product and giving us a 5 star review of it, thank you
Date Made: 2012 October

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Brass knuckles
  • Melee weapon with magic effects
  • Sculpted
  • Copy only, no modify, no transfer
  • ZCS, Ccs, Gm, LLCS
評価平均: 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 半分の星
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2015/02/13 : Argrunox

If Odin wanted to have a fist fight, I would happily agree to it now! I think I could beat him! Lady's and Gent's I present to you the [Sengoku Basara] Brass Knuckles (Ieyasu Tokugawa). The most skillfully made, well built, and lag free hand to hand style combat weapons you will ever come across that work for GOR! ( with the addition of so many other combat systems) Simply wear and activate and you are ready to punch someone's lights out! Personally tested by myself and several officials, we come to the conclusion that these are indeed within legal damage, speed, delay, range, and radius. I and my colleagues applaud this Craftsman. And what a kind and helpful store owner, willing to provide info and assistance where it is needed. MOST OVER HULK, I AM DOING THE SMASHING NOW!....(in a fashionable lightning bolt yellow tint ;3 ) 5 stars!!!

Nice but for the price...
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 空の星 空の星 掲載済み 2013/12/08 : Vollrath

Some of the animations could be better. The run is weird. The hit/swing sound effect is horrible. All this aside tho, I like this. Maybe the best "unarmed" type weapon I've seen, though that's not saying much.

Amazing and Smooth
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2013/06/02 : Prophet Rain

Bought these today and they are pretty damn amazing i had some pretty amazing customer service as well from the man himself i definitely recommend these for melee fist fighters.

wonderous piece of work.
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2013/02/11 : Vic Takeda

i love it, best hand to hand weapon i ever came across, only 1 thing, i wish it had push, lol.
