{Moon} Poses - Float *Wear To Unpack*
➊Redelivery - Marketplace saves our purchases in the order history of our accounts. If you are not able to receive your original purchase or get a redelivery of that purchase please send a notecard to Ashleysmith47.
➋My hands, head, ankles, etc are not looking like they did in the photo - Please remove any body locks (head/neck, ankle/foot, wrist/hand) and read the other notecard included in every purchase to learn what bento hand/foot position you should be in for the pose to work correctly.
➌Questions or concerns - Please contact Ashleysmith47 via notecard and she will get back to you as soon as possible.
➍Suggestions - If you have an idea for a pose and would like {Moon} to make it please send a notecard with a picture/screenshot/Gyazo of the pose to Ashleysmith47 and she will get back to you as soon as possible.
L$ 10
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