Muriel. Hope Skin (EVOX) - MALI
- New skins Faith and Hope, designed to create a warm and loving mother-daughter look. The Faith skin is especially made for childs and the Hope skin for adults and teens. (Check the alternative image to see both skins side by side).
- Products description:
Try the demo version first
- Faith Skin:
Fits TD Lemon Head in EVOX mapping.
Eyebrows included (tintable).
New tones designed to match the tones from VELOUR (8 tones available).
Body skins are for TD Baby only. They are sold separately, you can find it at Muriel Mainstore.
- Hope Skin:
Lel EVOX (Shown on Avalon).
Designed to match the body skins from VELOUR.
8 skin tones available.
Eyebrows included (tintable).
Skins and shapes are sold separately. The shape comes with a stylecard.
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