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(NO) Love Magic Deco - All Items

(NO) Love Magic Deco - All Items

Fill your home with the energy of Love with these deco items!
Spiritual Accents Set - Goddess Statue (2Li), click to cycle 3 colors

Hearts Desire Set - 5, 4, and 2 Petal clumps (1Li each), Heart's desire frame (1Li) mod - put in your own image, Aged Books Stack (1Li)

Love Candles & Oils Set - Binding Candles (1Li) click to cycle 3 colors, 3 White candles; short, medium, and tall, 3 witching oils

Magic Alter Set - Tray and Mirror comes in Silver or Gold. Comes with and without rose & petals accent

Perfume Collection Set - 6 deco bottles (1Li each)

All items - 18 Li linked

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