★★★ Nerenzo Battleships ★★★
You may remember the game battleships from your youth. We did bring a new version of that game on the grid - the Nerenzo Battleships!
The game comes with 5 different textured tables and corresponding scoreboards. You will receive a HUD when you take a seat.
Each table has a LI of 13, the scoreboards have a LI of 16. But, you don't need to rez the scoreboard to play the game - it's just an add-on i did not want to sell seperatly.
This is how it works:
✪) simply rez the table
✪) take a seat, wear the offered hud
✪) position your ships and press ready
✪) shooooot
There are 3 ships available - the one who hits a ship can shoot again, if you don't hit a ship your opponent will have the possiblity to shoot.
You can set permissions
*) owner (and add specific avatars who can play) - *) group
*) public
If you want to test the game come to my store and play a game.
Vic Nerido
Nerenzo Design
- Nerenzo Battleships game - 1 against 1
- 100 % mesh
- copy
- external scoreboard
The SL version of the game I loved as a kid.
Awesome, just awesome. This game is a must have for any SL game room, or pub.
This should be bought
I am happy that I could play games I liked when I was a child
I recently got a copy of Battleships, one of my favourite games...
It is so much fun!!!
You can either choose to play for a few minutes only or for hours even.
The gaming table is only 13 prims and can easily be set up wherever scripts are enabled.
The scoreboard is easy to put up and operate as well.
I can really recommend this product!
It's absolutely worth the money!!!
Great Game
Отличная игра, интерфейс продуман до мелочей, табло работает с множеством столов, удобное управление и облегченный вариант морского боя с 3-мя кораблями - чтоб не затягивать процесс игры, HUD можно оставить у себя и одевать каждый раз перед посадкой за любой стол - тогда он не будет вам выдавать новый, хорошая цена позволит большинству приобрести и украсить свой сим или дом, и даст приятно провести время с друзьями, низкопримовое один стол - 13 prim, табло (которое можно не ставить) - 16 prim.
Great game, the interface is laid out in detail, board works with a variety of tables, convenient operation and lighter version of the sea battle with 3 ships - so as not to delay the process of the game, HUD can keep the wear and every time before landing at any table - then he will not give you a new, good price will buy most and decorate your sim or a house, and will have a good time with friends, low PRIM - table - 1x13 prim / scoreboard (used or not is up to you) - 16 prim.