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PFC~Trusty Steel バージョン 1.1

PFC~Trusty Steel
PFC~Trusty Steel
4 レビュー

Hello, thank you for your interest in this sword

It contains 2 sword versions depending on which combat meter you are using, Gm, Zcs or Ura, Dcs2...

The sword animations are meant for wielding it with both hands.

It comes with a sheath in belt to wear the sword laying on your left hip and an alternative harness to wear it crossed in your back. If the harness doesn't fit, theres also a scabbard without the harness. All of the sheaths are stretchable.

The Texture HUD allows you to customize the leathers and the metal details of the sword, scabbard and harnesses, visit main store to interact with the rezzed demo.


GM Stats:
· 40% and 35%
· 2 modes:
0.65 seconds delay / 2.8 meters reach
0.55 seconds delay / 2.5 meters reach

GM Weapon Features:
· auto mode
· soft trigger
· safe draw
· autosheath
· hit reports
· auto draw/sheath shield
· customizable command channel and sounds

DCS Weapon Features:
· Optional impulse
· Optional AO animations (stand, guard, block, run)
· Autodraw/sheath shield

Thats all!
Pucca Firecaster

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Favourite sword - great quality
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2018/09/04 : KalamityKate

This sword is my favourite one to use. It's amazingly detailed, can be given a nice array of texture, and also comes with a nice sword wielding animation which is great for roleplay. Would highly recommend.

Simply wonderful
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2018/02/03 : Elwe Ewing

Having purchased even other PFC's weapons (Dark Whisper bow and The Ripper dagger) I felt the need to write this review to thank Pucca for the wonderful work.
The weapons are extremely detailed and customizable, they work very well (still not used them in PvP combat: just against moving targets) and I found the price fair for the features they have. If I can say one thing, but really marginal, I found strange not being able to equip the dagger and the sword at the same time: I don't know if there are CS rules against of using two melee weapons but I don't think it's that strange, for a warrior, to equip both, and they have different commands also for the draw/sheath actions (obviously not to use them together at the same time). That forces me to create different outfits. Another thing I would like to see is the 3-axis resizer to the drawn sword too (at the moment, only the sheathed one have this option and one may like a large sword avoiding it to be too long).
That apart, I absolutely recommend PFC weapons at least for RP, and I love the great customizability, and the effort to allow the customer to have the less running scripts possible, which means less lag (for all) and faster response (for me).


L$ 550



Pucca Firecaster's Creations
Pucca Firecaster's Creations
販売元: Pucca Firecaster


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