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PRIMinimal Wooden Dining Table (Blue, Large)

PRIMinimal Wooden Dining Table (Blue, Large)
PRIMinimal Wooden Dining Table (Blue, Large)
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PRIMinimal Wooden Dining Table (Blue, Large)

Amazingly detailed and still ultra low prim, each chair only requires a single prim on your land, most tables only take up a single prim as well...

This set comes with one table and 4 to 6 chairs. Each piece was created using sculpted prims which gives very realistic styling while keeping the prim count extremely low.

Sculpted prims can take a few moments to "rez" in fully and achieve their final shape, so please be patient.

The table offers a variety of centerpieces which may be rezzed from a menu. Simply touch the table to get the menu. Any centerpieces already on the table will be deleted before a new one is rezzing. The centerpiece menu is for Owner Only.

Each chair has a unique advanced sit target adjustment script in it, that easily allows any resident sitting on the chari to adjust the sit animation for his or her particular body size and shape. Each chair can be adjusted to offer customized avatar seat positioning. Simply touch the chair while sitting and use the PageUp/PageDown and Up/Down Arrow keys. Use Shift Left/Right arrow to rotate. Touch again to end adjustment mode. Adjustment mode is automatically exited when standing up.

Note: The furniture may rez slightly above ground or floor level, in which case it may need to be repositioned so it appears to be positioned correctly.

All centerpieces are no Mod/ Copy/ No Trans.

The table and chairs are No Mod/No Copy/No Trans.

Look here for other PRIMinimal Products!

Improve your experiences with sculpted prims:

Sculpted prims have a low level of detail at a distance, you can adjust your own viewers default settings to improve the viewing of sculped prims (All sculpted prims) by going to your "Advanced" menu at the top of your screen (If you do not have an "Advanced" menu, you can activate it by holding down CTRL + SHIFT + ALT, then striking the "D" key). On your advanced menu, find the listing for "Debug Settings"...this will open a small window on your screen. Then find the listing for "RenderVolumeLODFactor", the default value for this will be 1.25, change it to 4.0, and then click the X in the small windows upper right corner. This will effectively give you the ability to see sculpted prims in detail at a greater distance than the viewer normally allows.

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L$ 450



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