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Platan Tree {A} - BLACK winter tree. Copy and full modify - tintable photorealistic sculpted tree

Platan Tree {A} -  BLACK winter tree. Copy and full modify - tintable photorealistic sculpted tree
Platan Tree {A} -  BLACK winter tree. Copy and full modify - tintable photorealistic sculpted tree
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Photorealistic tree inspired by real platanus – plane tree. Tree is fully sculpted, no fake crossed plates used!
Single trees in black and white are best for your winter or Christmas season and fantasy parks.

All trees are COPY – it prevents you from loosing purchased items, and you can copy it as many as you want.

Trees are MODIFY – fully, not by scripts. Edit it - tint it, change glow or full bright and resize freely as you need.
Tree is RESIZABLE up to 64 meters of the biggest prim. It means, tree will be higher more then 64 meters in maximal size.

There are no scripts in this tree.

Unique trees with original textures, made from my own photos, and high quality original sculpties are
available only at 21strom.

See all items rezzed inworld at 21strom:

Second Life の商品を表示
  • fully sculpted, no fake crossed prims
  • resizable, tintable
  • copy
  • full modify
  • original photorealistic tree

L$ 150



21strom by Zuza Ritt
21strom by Zuza Ritt
販売元: Zuza Ritt


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
土地の負荷: 19