Introducing the PUCHIMONO Avatar! A cute furry avatar inspired by chibi kemono art. <3
Avatar Includes the following:
Head w/ Eyelashes
Expressions HUD
-Busty Ver. (Female)
-Flat Ver. (Male)
Bento Ears/Tail + AO
2 Starter Textures
Texture Applier
Mod Kit + Avastar Dummy
Alpha HUD for Body
Body, HUD, and texture applier scripts by GamaTech
mesh is not fitted - but still very customizable with basic shape sliders
It has a wide range of expression, and soon to be more!
Includes a developer kit for making clothing and textures
There is also a texture applier for creators to sell mods with available!
~ Please read the README for detailed usage info after purchase ~
Second Life の商品を表示- 100% Mesh, easy to mod with simple texture UVs
- Texture Applier included for ease of texturing
- Expressive head with HUD for showing your emotions!
- Alpha HUD to hide sections of the body for clothing
- Bento !!
Thk you ♥
I love it! very easy to use , the mini version is so adorable ♥
Cute and modable
This is an easy, all-in-one out-of-the-box, Furry avi to get started with. It is fairly simple and comes with 4 bodies (smooth and female bits, male and female), a head, ears and tail, a texture editor, a mood editor (to give facial expressions), a full body alpha mask, free orange and silver textures, plus a box of other free textures for different colored eyes, lashes, etc.), claws (editable for color, etc.). I recommend also buying the whiskers and buying the bunny ears and a bunny mod, as well as a fox tail and a red fox mod (there are several). The Puchimono is very cute, but taller than you might think, as it is about 3/4's human size (using the editable default shape it comes with). It also comes with some boxed "extras+" that includes a smaller, Dinkie-sized, Puchimini with the same features as described above for the Puchimono. I found the rigged eyes for the Puchimono disconcerting as they would roll back out of sight, but the unrigged yes with HUD work fine.
pretty damn good!
looks exactly as promised, very very cute in game! modelling and animations are both very well done. it's easy to mod too, texturing was very quick and easy to figure out. i've also never had any problems with glitching, as far as the body itself goes
the reason i took off a star is because often times the alphaing hud doesnt respond at all, and can be extremely tricky to use. you often times have to click and click and detach and reattach and click some more and- you get the idea. if the huds worked a little more smoothly this would be pretty much flawless!
super cute !
this is the most adorable lil critter I've found and the mini version is amazing I was wearing a dinkie b4 and the mini size is just a tad bigger just enuf to keep people from calling me a child av (which is truly annoying) I would love to see a fluffy fox style tail for the mini kitty tho I bought one from another maker but it was to big I love the animations in the stock tail with this av I just wish there was a fluffy tail option too yano kinda like a Persian cat has otherwise I loveeeee loveeee loveeee this avatar !
I love this avatar to pieces, the expressions are great (MANY to choose from!)
there are many mods for this to make it cute or cool.
The body is chibi for sure, quite short too if you're into being a tiny cute creature or mischievous fiend (Nice for fantasy based rp or just roaming SL as a regular)
only thing I have to say that bugs me a bit about it.. the breasts are a little offputting to me. They too close together on the body. Looks fine when you have clothes on but without, it just seems a little odd to be so close.
None the less, still love this avatar. It's adorable and cartoony. If you're a cartoon fanatic, I'd definitely recommend!