[R3] // CCS Power Fists
---- HUD ----
On/Off button - Turns on the weapon or turns off the weapon.
Red fist - Activates Life Steal enhancement
Blue first - Activates Stamina Steal enhancement
X Symbol - Cancel current enhancement and enter cool down window
Crossed swords symbol - Turns Faction Combat on or off.
- Gestures are also available and can be used to activate each effect. -
---- CCS FEATURE ----
Ability to toggle damage to group members.
Steals 1 Racial every 30 Seconds.
Cost: 2% Stamina.
Cost: 2% Stam. 2 Racials.
Base: +50 Melee Damage, 2% Life Steal, 2% extra Melee Damage.
Block: Restores 1% Stamina per hit blocked.
5% chance to cleanse status effects on hit
Crit effect 1: 10% Crit Chance.
On Crit: Curse target for 10 seconds.
Global cooldown of 20 seconds on crit.
Crit effect 2: 5% Crit Chance.
On Crit: Deals 5% of enemy max HP as damage.
Global cooldown of 20 seconds on crit.
Cost: 2% Life. 2 Racials.
Base: +50 Melee Damage, 2% Stam Steal, 2% extra Melee Damage.
Block: Restores 1% Life per hit blocked.
5% chance to cleanse status effects on hit
Crit effect 1: 10% Crit Chance.
On Crit: Weaken target for 10 seconds.
Global cooldown of 20 seconds on crit.
Crit effect 2: 5% Crit Chance.
On Crit: Deals 5% of enemy max stam as stam damage.
Global cooldown of 20 seconds on crit.
Great Service
The owners are great , provided updated fists compatible for ccs straight away . These seem to be the best around by far ..
Works Fine; Worth every penny
I'm an active CCS user and I haven't had any issues with this item. Easy to use and worth the price.