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{RC}Slink Thug Life Outfit

{RC}Slink Thug Life Outfit

Slink Thug Life

5 sizes White Pant
Resize White Foams
5 sizes Black Tank
Resize Beanie
Resize Ftited
Resize Scarf Mask

This Fits aslo can work with Aesthetic Body too.
All of My items will be always copy, and Just So You Know that Imma always Support The Urban Clothing for my Fans that who had support me from day one. Thank you so much for All of your Support I Really Appreciate it. {RC}

~Cocky Male Design~

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The shirt in the picture is not the shirt you get.
full star full star full star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2017/05/20 : LordTalon Hawks

not a bad outfit. Well made and it looks good with a bit of adjustment. The shirt in the ad is not the shirt you get with the outfit. Too bad. It would have been perfect.
