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<RE:SURFACE> Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex [Destroy Mode] バージョン R2 (2019)

<RE:SURFACE> Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex [Destroy Mode]
<RE:SURFACE> Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex [Destroy Mode]
1 レビュー

<R:S> Unicorn Gundam 03 "Phenex" [Destroy Mode] (Full Mesh Avatar Set)

(This version of the Unicorn uses a brand new "R2" design. It has been completely overhauled from my previous Unicorn Gundam releases, and features all new parts and textures, with absolutely nothing carried over from the old versions.)

=== Parts List ===

= Unicorn Gundam 03 "Phenex" [Destroy Mode] =

• Built in particle effects for the four main thrusters

• Customizable Psychoframe Colors (Through built in script)

(Approximately 9.2 feet tall)


= <R:S> Basic AO = (Optional)

• Nine basic animations. Stand, walk, run, ground sit, jump, hover, fall, land, and fly.


= AO Sound Module = (Optional)

• Adds walk sound, run sound, shutdown (Ground sit), and boost (jump/fly)


= Full Alpha + Shape = (Required)


=== Armaments & Stats (LLCS) ===

= Beam Magnum = (Short to mid range beam rifle with extremely high damage, but with a slow rate of fire and slow reload time)

• Max Range: 100m

• Max Damage: 40 (Up to 25m)

• Falloff Damage: 25 (25m-100m)

• Firing Rate: 2.2s (delay between each shot)

• Magazine Size: 6

• Reload Speed: 3.6s

= Beam Saber = (Scripted beam saber with HUD and animations, but no damage)

• N/A

= Armed Armor DE = (Shields worn on back)

• N/A


=== Extras ===

= Unicorn Gundam 03 "Phenex" [Destroy Mode] = (Unscripted Version)

= Skirt Thrusters = (Extra parts to enable effects for skirt thrusters)

= Leg Thrusters (L/R) = (Extra parts needed to enable effects for leg thrusters)

= Beam Magnum = (Unscripted Version)

=== Extra Notes ===

• The psychoframe (glowing parts) can be changed to other colors. Red, green, white, gold, blue, orange, yellow, pink and purple. Simply say the name of the color in chat to change it. (This does not work if you are using the unscripted version, you will have to manually tint the psychoframe yourself in the edit menu).


(Please note that you need advanced lighting enabled to see this avatar at its best, all screenshots were taken with maximum graphic settings.)

  • High quality mesh avatar
  • Basic AO with sounds
  • Customizable Psychoframe
  • Thruster Effects
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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Yet another great mobile suit!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2019/08/02 : ShawnVallance

Anyone who has watched Gundam NT knows how powerful this one is, and it is an awesome addition to the list of av's done by Bellri. Keep up the awesome work!


L$ 800



販売元: Bellri


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