RSiX RACEWIND WINDSURFER 1.4 - windsurf - windsurfing - surfing - surf - La planche à voile

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This is just a small selection of my many items that include hunting fishing sailing aircraft freebies and many more - to visit my main WOOT MALL Store
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Forget the rest this is it

Built by a windsurfer for windsurfers and at an unbelievable price to get people out there sailing

Recognised by SLSF Yacht Club Startlines and windsetters

The windsurfer of choice for the largest surfing sims - with stores on site

Realistic great monofilm flap sounds, wake, spray, regular racing see RS:X Group

CAMBER induced Sails (curved) that change as you switch sides

New 1.4 (From Sept 2009)

Watch the 1.4 promo Video here
Watch the Video here and see why this is raced

Matching Wet suit available here

Optional RSiX sails Quiver Pack here to personalise your sailboard eben more

RSiX One Design Windsurfing Race board
Version 1.4

Whats New?

* Completely reprimed board only the sail textures are the same - new boom, board (now identical in shape to the real thing), fin centerboard, mast track textured sculpt
* New sprays trigger at certain speeds - not a 'NewRate' script where the same particles get bigger or smaller these are independent velocity controlled particles and as you get faster you will really look the business. From a slow ripple to tearing and shredding up those flatwater blasting areas this will not disappoint
* New sound effects sprays and other sounds.
* New catapult option built in - rename any object you own to 'RSiX 1.4 Collision Buoy' could be a prim, rock, buoy, groyne, boat even seaweed :) if your board hits that renamed object it will catapult and require you to waterstart out of it - dont' worry water starting only requires you say 'raise' in chat channel and you slowly rise up out of the water - all catapults are slightly different depending on your speed direction and so on but all end up in the same place with you under the water kicking about- the catapults are animated with shouts and appropriate sound effects and sprays - great fun.
* wind lock - this prevents another windsetter changing your settings - your yacht club race wind remains the same until you stand again
* wind direction hud - its nice to know where the wind is coming from so you can better adjust you sheet/center of effort (COE) settings on the back of the board (the text hud).
* new animations - you are now more outboard and can adjust the new footstraps accordingly as the board is Modifiable the same goes for your harness lines, footpads and boom height all can be adjusted to suit your needs :)
* True wind and appwind - see the winds hud - black needle is true wind
* New 'Escape' command to prevent being trapped between the boom and sail when standing - sets board and rig to phantom for 30 seconds and resets.


This Sailboard actually sails - it is not like a conventional motor vehicle like a jet ski or other windsurfers that you may have used in the past where you use the foward key arrow.

This is a raceboard and as such will complement you existing quiver of sails and boards - this is not designed for jumping and looping.

This is tactical so you can have regattas and competitions - you just need a SLSF startline to race from.

This board is as near as it gets to actual boardsailing.

Olympic Class Windsurfing (or Board sailing) is a serious business.

As this is a 'One Design' Board (as used in the Olympics) it is an international standard raceboard - and yes they really do look like this :)

Based on the RS:X One Design

As you can see this is pretty close to the real thing.

*Modify - so you can personalise it with your own textures - no more buying extra boards
*Gybe and Tack side jumping - you can switch sides during sailing
*Uses secondlife wind and Race Wind available at most yacht clubs in sl
*Accepted as a Race Class by the SLSF and SLSA
*Very realistic looking board and rig
*Supplied with Gesture Pack, sail numbering, harness shorts and bar
*Color changing built in
*Camera hud
*Heads up display on the rear of board to manage your sheet settings
*Modding sails available with my optional sails pack

Watch the videos

Watch the performance from the Live Broadcast on SLCN

or from the additional YT videos below

1.2 (older version)
Olympic style Tournament at Japanese Waypoint Yacht Club
セカンドライフのWayPoint ヨットクラブにて開催されたRSiXウィンドサーファーレース

Olympic style Tournament at Hollywood Yacht Club

Race Course Map

This is the mark 1 version but still a good video of racing



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Old review was flawed by my total...
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2017/02/24 : Yuufa Takeda

...lack of knowledge, Its a fun product, looks good, fun to ride

in the interest of posterity the old review chain is copy-pasta

Good value for money,, but
Posted February 23, 2017 by Yuufarlc 4 stars

New sprays trigger at certain speeds - not a 'NewRate' script where the same particles get bigger or smaller these are independent velocity controlled particles and as you get faster you will really look the business. From a slow ripple to tearing and shredding up those flatwater blasting areas this will not disappoint

This here is some grandiose rubbish, the spray "triggers" just as often when its standing still

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on February 24, 2017, Surfwidow Beaumont said:

I can assure you the script is velocity controlled you can see this in the video here. Watch the sprays here (at 1m 34 seconds when turning they decrease to a normal fin wake and then see how when accelerating more sprays kick in and when planing.

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on February 24, 2017, Yuufarlc said:

I could be confusing spray with wake judging by the video, my appologies


surfers get stuck when they stand up after surfing
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/06/01 : Lord Nova

surfers get stuck when they stand up after surfing on your RSiX RaceWind Windsurfer1.3 Racing #2. what solution do you have for this?





Surfwidow Beaumont


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