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Rez to Activate! Riders Navarro Boots [Strap -Concho]

Rez to Activate! Riders Navarro Boots [Strap -Concho]
Rez to Activate! Riders Navarro Boots [Strap -Concho]
7 レビュー

-Riders Navarro Ankle & Shaft Boots Add-On -

Add This Texture set to your Riders Ankle & Shaft Boot Menu.

Riders Navarro Boot Kits are Complimentary and can be found on the Marketplace or at our Inworld Store.
Once you obtain your Navarro Ankle or Shaft Boot Kit you can Add up to 70 additional Boot Texture sets, Over 30 Spurs, Nearly 100 Straps & 10 Tips to your Ankle or Shaft Boot Menu.

To see the full Navarro line search in this store:
Navarro Shaft or Ankle
Navarro Spurs
Navarro Straps
Navarro Tips

Best regards & thanks for the support,
Race Kristan -
Riders Font Factory
Riders World
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Riders Western Wear
Riders Western Decor

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so disappointed
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2023/03/17 : Sueozzie Crystal

WHY would u sell boots like this.. U buy parts ..i was so angry i had wasted my time and lindens. DON"T BUY unless you go and research the product. one star is too much

Gorgeous and great service!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/11/03 : Natasha Leckrone

I had an issue because I did not do things properly. I messaged the maker and he immediately walked me through it easy peasy! He was pleasant and his service was fantastic and the boots and accessories are gorgeous!


L$ 320



Riders Western, Breedable & Builders Products
Riders Western, Breedable & Builders Products
販売元: Race Kristan


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