A wide assortment of 1960's and 1970's era computer components, great for labs, offices, or any other vintage or retro themed spaces.
-Original Mesh, Created for SL by Renafox
-Materials Enabled with normal maps and specular
-Low land impact
-Scripted with sound and animations.
- High-Quality, Original Mesh Decor
- 1-2 Land Impact Each
- 2 Color Options
- Scripted
- Materials Enabled
Amazingly accurate!
I am an IBM mainframe systems programmer with expertise in older machines and operating systems. This is as accurate a recreation of a System/360 as you're likely to find anywhere: Model 30 CPU, 1052-8 console, 2311 and 2314 DASD, 2401 tape, 2540 card reader and punch, 1403-N1 printer, and a box that works as a 2821 or 2844 control unit.
I have only two quibbles: the labels on the 2540 and 1403-N1 are incorrect (they say 2401 and 2080, respectively), and the paper on the 1403-N1 runs backwards. Those are nits. I'm proud to have this system in my place. Now, to figure out how to get Hercules hooked up to it so you can actually run DOS/360 from it...
a one kit will have lot of minded server storage! :)
Empowered everything including PBX and Capsule Bed! Thanks guraa for making this product! :)
Sweet setup
Most of these are very low prim/low LI, 1 or 2 - the cool-looking reels are 2 LI for example due to the complexity. The empty servers can be used as server boxes for your own custom scripts.
Unfortunately, there's a bit of disparity between the scripts - some are modifyable and some aren't - and there's no option to disable the sound or audio or animations other than just deleting the script. This package could do with a bit more consistency - I'd recommend the author make all the scripts modifyable and add options to enable and disable the sound and/or animations. it's not like these scripts could really be used with anything else. XD