Rideable Pwny - Shady
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Rideable Pwnyz!
This is an attachment, not a vehicle. Very simple and easy to use, just turn off all other AOs, wear and go!
3 sizes included: Tiny avatar, Biggie ("normal" unfolded avatars), or Small Biggie. Small biggie refers to shorter humanoid avatars, like kid-sized. You can edit the size of any of these to fit your avatar the best.
Fun features include:
• Wings that flap while flying that you can hide or show on command.
• Unicorn horn can be turned on or off on command and sparkle with a click.
• Clip-clop sounds while walking or running.
Copy/Mod so you can decorate 'til your heart's content!
Second Life の商品を表示L$ 475
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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土地の負荷: 28