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Rocky Mountain Lodge log cabin unfurnished

Rocky Mountain Lodge log cabin unfurnished
Rocky Mountain Lodge log cabin unfurnished
1 レビュー

***Save 10% off of our Marketplace price of this item by purchasing it at Potomac's inworld store! Please use the teleport link provided below.***

The Rocky Mountain Lodge makes a wonderful home with four bedrooms, two fireplaces, and a texture change kitchen with animations! It comes with windows that have rain/leaves/snow/clear options.

***** The house rezzes in at 217 land impact, and is 40 x 30 meters. *****

Click the Outdoor Accessories button next to the front door and rez the seasonal landscaping items. The home is season-change, so you can take down one season and set up for another with the click of a button.

The fireplaces each have items to rez, including fire and candles, log basket and fireplace screen. Click on the fireplace for the menu.

The kitchen is animated with single, couple, and kitchen animations, and separate texture changing menus for the cabinets and countertops. Of course the stove and refrigerator have rezzable food, as well.

The roof has multiple texture options, the fall leaves are added with the fall outdoor accessories and the snow is added with the winter outdoor accessories.

The floors and decks have multiple texture options. An added bonus to the floor texture changer - if you accidentally drop a texture on the floor, no need to worry - just click the floor button and you can reset the textures.

Land Impact breakdown:
House: 217
Winter decor (including the trees, snow roof and icicle lights) 58
Summer decor 31
Fall Decor 33

The furnished version of the Rocky Mountain Lodge is available inworld, not currently on Marketplace.

Please always visit homes in person before purchasing, and grab a footprint while you're there to make sure it fits on your land.

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評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2025/02/10 : AislinMehta

I own almost every house you have made and I am currently living in two but anyways, I purchased this home on Marketplace and simply because I wanted to write a review.

Your homes are the Best! as they are sincerely, Perfect with so many extras.

and thank you xoxo.


L$ 3,556



Potomac Signature Homes
Potomac Signature Homes
販売元: Winter Loxely


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 217