SUGAR City Trousers BLACK Boxed
SUGAR City Trousers with Optional Belt
100% High Quality Mesh - High Polygons
Package contains:
:: 5 Sizes !!!
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!! If you dont like your item, Ill be happy to give you a refund :) If you do like your product, a marketplace review is very much appreciated! Thank you in advance :)
Second Life の商品を表示very good
very good product do not hesitate to buy it
Nice design
These fit slim enough to go under nearly any jacket or shirt I own, regardless of the designer. Simple but elegant cut to the pants and very nice texture. I have bought clothing for female friends from this store and I've always thought the products were top notch. Now that I own a few things for myself, I'm even more pleased. Good job Sugar Falta!!!
L$ 99
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