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Script Prefect (Avatar Edition) Boxed バージョン 1.0.1

Script Prefect (Avatar Edition) Boxed

Welcome to Script Prefect - Avatar Edition

Please visit my store at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Business%20District%20Foxtrot/197/53/22, please feel free to drop in and look around.

This packagae contains two sizes, but everything is copy/mod except the scripts, The boards display up to 13 Avatars at a time and take 85 prims.

Script Prefect is used to display the number of scripts and memory an Avatar uses. Many Avatars are very high in their script usage without realizing it, this will help identify them.

Sims have a limited number of scripts that can be running before they start responding slowly (lagging), If Avatars have a large number of scripts they are wearing they can cause everyone to lag badly, many have no idea they are the cause. Using Script Prefect you can see who is using the most scripts, or if you so choose can have Script Prefect identify Avatars using to many scripts and first warn them then, if they do not lower their script usage, eject them from your land.

It comes preconfigured with a set of default values that will suit most users. But in case it does not meet your specific requirements there is a notecard named “Config” that can be changed to adjust how the Script Prefect works.

To change this card is fairly simple:
1. Right click the board and select edit.
2. Left click the content tab.
3. In the content’s look for the notecard named “Config”.
4. Right click the “Config” notecard and on the menu that pops up select Open.
5. Change the parameters that you need to.
6. On the bottom right of the notecard select Save.
7. The board will update and start using the new parameters.

Following is a list of the parameters and their default values, each parameter is on a seperate line:

Default is off.
In order for the board to eject Avatars with too high a script usage a few conditions must be met: First, the land must either be owned by the same owner as the Script Prefect or both must be deeded to the same group.
To deed an object to the group:
Right-click the object and select Edit.
Under the General tab, click the Edit Wrench to choose a group.
Select the Share
checkbox and click Deed.

If this keyword is found in the notecard and the board is owned by the owner of the land, or if on group owned land deeded to the group it will first warn those that exceed acceptable level (set in a different parameter) and then if they don't lower their usage within 90 seconds will evict them.

Default = 30.0
(where ##.# is the number of seconds between board updates)
If this parameter is given it will display multiple pages showing all Avatars and their script usage from largest to smallest with a pause of ##.# seconds between pages. If this parameter is not given the board defaults to displaying only the 13 biggest script users and updating every 30 seconds

Default = 96.0
(where ##.# is the range in meters to scan).

Default = Superb,0.05,Super,0.25,Great,0.5,Good,1.0,Fair,2.0,Poor,3.0,Bad,3.5,WTF,5.0,Eject,10.0
This parameter is set in pairs, first part of the pair is the title to display if the percent is below that value. The last two pairs are used also to set for warnings and eject limits, the 2nd to last pair sets a warning level to say you are starting to get excess script usage, the last if you display this will issue a warning and a notecard to help you identify ways to reduce then give you 90 seconds before ejecting you. This parameter has no set number of pairs, feel free to use more or less pairs depending on your needs.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me, by notecard is better as I am usually capped on IMs.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Displays Scripts (Number, Memory and Time)
  • Optional Eject
  • Notifies with Notecard large users with saving techniques
  • Bug fixes will be Sent out as they are made