Ocean Side Store - Scuba Diving Mask Manual
Thanks for buying OSS Scuba Diving Mask. In this manual we will tell you how it works and we wish you much underwater fun.
Quick Starter Manual
To wear the Scuba Diving mask choose the 'Add' Command, by right mouseclick of the object in your inventory. Do not use 'Wear'.
Package contents:
- =EB= Scuba Diving Mask Deco
- =EB= Neoprene Hat Female
- =EB= Neoprene Hat Female (+ logo modify)
- =EB= Neoprene Hat Male
- =EB= Neoprene Hat Male (+ logo modify)
You can change a position by right mouseclick of the object in your inventory and choose 'Attach To' and a body part. When the object is at the body part you have to edit it to the correct place manually. The next time you add the object it attaches to the new body part.
Remove the object with a right mouseclick while selecting 'Detach' from the pie-menu.
Neoprene Hat
The Neoprene Hat can optionally be worn under the mask (specially for DECO >20m diving). Dependant of your avatar hat is may be necessary to remove your ears (Mesh-head) of change your earsize (Appearence Shape Ears) for classic avatars. The fe(male) Neoprene hat with logo is modify. In this way you can change the logo by editing the Neoprene Hat texture (without logo).
Attach/detach Side LED spots
The side LED spots are attached/detached by touching the coloured part of the mask with your mouse-pointer. Note: The LED spots are transparental in off state. This means that you can rez them in 'a no building' area. When derezzing the LED spots in 'light on' state, the lights stay on. To make them completely invisible turn them off before derezzing the spots.
Light On/Off
You can switch the light on/off by touching a LED spot hull (left or right). Sometimes this is done easier with the AO off. In the Advanced manual you can read how to switch on/off from the menu.
Advanced Manual
Touch the light object >2 seconds and a setup menu appears. Here you can see the settings of the light (Intensity; Radius; Falloff; Glow; State on/off; Fullbright)
With the buttons in the menu you can make adjustments to Intensity; Radius; Falloff; Glow and Color of the light. There is also a Reset button change to default values. On the bottom right is an on/fof button*.
The '=EB= Scuba Dive Light Torch' does not have an on/off button, but a presets button, with a selection for colors Red and Blue and default White.
The next time you wear the light all settings are reset to default. I is possible to edit the notecard inside the lamp and change the parameters permanent in the notecard. It is adviseable to do this with care because a wrong setting may corrupt the lamp. In that case .. just take a new one from inventory.
- Detachable Power LED's left and right on the mask
- Materials textured
- LED's can have any color (menu)
- LED's can have any intensity and radius
- Settings can be stored in a notecard