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Shroomie Tiny Avatar: Dark Red Old Agaric

Shroomie Tiny Avatar: Dark Red Old Agaric
Shroomie Tiny Avatar: Dark Red Old Agaric
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Shroomies are tiny mushroom avatars, standing at about 1.25m tall. Shroomies are traditional tinies - the standard avatar body is folded up inside using animations, and the Shroomie body parts are worn as attachments. The attachments are mesh, but they're not rigged, so they can be moved around and changed as needed.

This is a complete avatar including AO. All items are mod, including the scripts.

To wear the avatar, open the box and wear all the pieces. Do not wear the 'spare parts' box. Make sure the Shroomie AO (or other tiny AO) is the only one you're wearing. If you wear a biggie AO with your tiny, your body will explode and it's very messy.

This is the dark red old agaric version. It has a flat cap with agaric spots/warts. Click on the cap for tiny round spores.


** Animation Override** The AO does four main things: 1) Replaces animations with custom tiny animations, including a special jumping walk/stand for crouchwalk. 2) Changes to swimming animations when flying under the Linden water. 3) Attempts to lock the tiny to avoid animations pulling it apart. 4) Changes the camera angle for a Shroomie-eye view.

The spare parts box has two simpler animation overrides. The no camera version does everything except the camera change. The anti-lag version only does point one, so is ideal for large events.


** Tiny Compatibility** Other basic tiny animations should work with Shroomies, but do test them before you buy them. Some may look a little strange (for example, ones that raise the arms will put them into the Shroomie's cap).

Shroomie overrides and accessories may work with other tinies, but this is not guaranteed.

  • Materials for a shiny cap
  • Complete with AO
  • Click cap for spores
  • It's a mushroom!

L$ 350



販売元: Polenth Yue


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。


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