Silvana Outfit ~AUTUMN~ by Caverna Obscura - unrigged mesh
✿✿✿ This outfit comes in 2 packages: for standard SL avatars and for Maitreya/SLINK Physique mesh bodies. Please pay attention to which one you are buying – if you buy the wrong one, no refunds will be given and no exchanges!!! ✿✿✿
✿✿✿ This listing is for STANDARD SL avatars, and is unrigged mesh! This will NOT fit mesh bodies out of the box! However you can try and resize is to fit, as it is modifiable. Please try DEMO first!!! ✿✿✿
Cute little faerie / elven outfit made of leaves. Unrigged mesh, which means you can resize it to fit your shape. Available in SUMMER and AUTUMN colours!
Contents of this set:
✿ Unrigged mesh (copy/mod): leafy skirt, leafy top, leafy thong;
✿ Clothing layers (no mod/copy): glitch bra (undershirt); glitch thong (underpants);
✿ Sculpted prim parts (copy/mod): upper L arm Bracelet.
✿✿✿ Please try DEMO first!
✿TIP: Also check out Silvana Petals variation of this outfit, made of beautiful flower petals instead of leaves; and Oak Silvana with acorns and fitted mesh version! (see RELATED ITEMS below)
Please visit Caverna Obscura shoppe to get this item at the best price, and for more high quality original fantasy female apparel and footwear at:
- Unrigged mesh (copy/mod): leafy skirt, leafy top, leafy thong
- Clothing layers (no mod/copy): glitch bra (undershirt); glitch thong (underpant)
- Sculpted prim parts (copy/mod): upper L arm Bracelet
L$ 306
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