Simple Game system v1

詳細 設備 コンテンツ 0 レビュー


Open source Game HUD system

There may be mistakes and issues in this version (I hope not) but this is the first public run

--can I contact you?
Yes, but I can’t promise I will respond. I’m shy most of the time and just like to be left alone. This is a free project, so it only come with the support (comments in script /video) supplied.

--Why is it free?
I want people to have the chance to add simple game mechanics to there sim. Not because I’m the worlds most wonderful person, but I sell items that need a pace to live :) so I wish to stimulate the RP market (Dark survival horror)

--Can I use the objects supplied in this example for my own creations?
Yes. Although this is a game / HUD example, all items have full permission and can be used for whatever, I just ask, if you are selling object, that you have added some effort to what you where supplied and not selling my objects as supplied.

--Can I make my own system using your as a starting point.
Yes, that’s the idea. Although you could use it as is… if you wish to expand on what I have given you, and even sell your own versions (Will substantial changes, not just a few values or a re skin) then you can.
…or, you can make your own version, using mine as a base, and give it out as a free example :)

--Where is progress saved?
Progress / level and exp are stored on the players HUD. This means there are no external severs apart from the mock sever object the land owner places, in order to start a game. Also meant, data is not lost if the sever object is reset.
There are no ‘export save’ like my early work (Siden) as this is a simple system for you to work on. Such options would have to be added by you, the coder (save where used to carry player data from one HUD version to a new one, without the need for an external server)

--Can I give you suggestions?
At this time, no. Unless is a fundamental fault with the system, that needs patching… I’m not developing this version beyond what it is. I wish to leave is simple to understand and open ended… so people can learn and expand upon it.

--Why 2 listeners?
This is for the example. Normally I would stick to one in most cases, but for this example, it help secure some actions in case of user mistakes.
If some wished to, they could recode, to just have a session listeners and another object that, when it notices a change in the session, tells old session object to reset. I didn’t want to make things too complicated to follow.

--Did you /even/ optimise your code
No, I did not. It’s kept simple to follow and edit. There are plenty of places where subroutines and lists could clean up the code… even make it easier for my self to work with. But this isn’t about me :)
If you wish you make your own optimised version and hand it out full perms, that cool too
(What is optimisation? : if you see yourself rewriting the identical code over and over, good chance that could be optimised into a function)

**personal note
This was not a half hearted project. I have done my best to make it accessible to many levels of coder. I have also included models I made my self, all full permission.
This project may not change your life, but it may changes you SL wallet (for the better), remember me, donations welcome: P
If you get really confused by this product, then maybe ask on the forums. Let other know its out there, get coders to look at it. Work it out together. I can’t offer one on one support for such a project

Second Life の商品を表示




Sooden Ren
Sooden Ren


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.


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