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Skeleton fingers Skulls Coffins Bats wall torches OH MY

Skeleton fingers Skulls Coffins Bats wall torches OH MY
Skeleton fingers Skulls Coffins Bats wall torches OH MY
0 レビュー

perms on torches:

yes mod
yes copy
no trans

size of one torch is:

z = how tall it is 0.95093
y = how wide it is 0.42021
x = how far out from wall it is 0.29707

land count 2

but in relaity it come to 1.5 but sl dose not see half count this will show up if you link to other mesh or a non round prim convexed hulled.

this is full mesh but i did make it with 8 independent faces.

if you know how to edit face's you are welcome to change textures out to ones you want to use. edit at your own risk just remember to keep fresh copy in your inventory so you can pull it out if you need to start over again. the torches are made in 3 mesh peaces why because i wanted to use particles flames and light and not have to sink in a prim to hold the scripts and particles.

i have removed all scripts from torches but they will still hold there particles. i do this to lower lag on yourself and your sim. down side is you can not turn it off.

thus the reason i am giving you a set with blood red light particles one set with normal fire particles one set with blood fire particles and finally one set with no particles at all.

i wish to give you the freedom to use whatever one fits your needs.

the sets that have particles will say in name ( blood fire, blood light, normal fire) one with no particles will have in it name ( no fire, no light).

i have made these torches to put on the walls of the vampire sky box i am creating i love them.

my fav is the blood fire but then again i am going through a vampire stage.

i hope you enjoy these torches as much as i have creating them and using them.

  • particale fire
  • Particle light
  • no scripts
  • uses sl lighting

L$ 25



Black's Doodles
Black's Doodles
販売元: Blacklight50


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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 2