This rigged mesh sleeping bag is intended for use with your regular avatar.
To use it right click on it in your inventory and select wear. Please also make sure you wear the included 'Sleeping Bag Alpha' layer. This will hide your regular avatars body otherwise it will poke through the costume. Please also make sure you detach any prim/mesh clothing or other prim/mesh attachments as the alpha layer will not hide these.
There are 8 color options included in this pack, and each sleeping bag has a built in bouncy walk.
( NB. This can be turned on and off with the commands /1bounceon and /1bounceoff )
Also included in this pack are 4 dances that work particularly well with the sleeping bag.
( NB. If you are looking for other dances suitable for use with the sleeping bags, try and find ones with minimal leg movement. )
Along with the dances I have included a camping pose mat. This is a mat you can lie on that has a few built in laying down and sitting poses. It has some color options built into the menu, but it is modifiable so you can change the color manually if you like too using the SL build tools.
Hope you enjoy your sleeping bag!
- Abramelin
Copyright 2016 Abranimations (R)
Second Life の商品を表示- 8 COLOUR OPTIONS
Simply yes.
So Much Fun
You can always count on Abranimations to think outside of the box. Sometimes I just wear one when I'm feeling silly. Thank you, Abramelin Wolfe!
Awesome awesome awesome! I use it when i don't know what to wear today. So many animations included and it's all Abranimations quality animations. 6/5!